Okay, I know that I've been doing a lot of back-blogging, but I don't want to miss anything. I hope you all can bear with me!
Here is our Halloween party. We all kinda knew about it the day before it happened, but nobody really did their costumes until the day of. So, here is what people came up with! It was really sweet actually. There were tons of creative ones. (We just dressed up, had a big mix and mingle to see everyone's costumes, and then did a big group dance. It was great!)
This is me, Kathryn, and Allison, and we are Pop Rocks :)
This is Marni Vail, and she is the Dome of the Rock. Cute, right?
This is Jessica Saliby, and she is the Western Wall! She even has plants and notes coming out of her!
This is Lindsey and she is Sister Whipple, who is standing with her :)
This is Victoria Clemons, and she is a traffic light!
This is Lauren Magleby, Shelly, Brooklyne, Adri, Amy, and Lauren Ricks and they are, together, a Falafel!
This is Maurie, Hailey, Leanna, Michelle, and Kaylie, and they are....can you guess? KISS!
This is Ally and Kate and they are Salt and Pepper!
This is Emily Anderson and Lexi Young, and Emily is a butterfly and Lexi is a pirate!
This is Matt Meyers, and he is the H1N1 Virus, aka the Swine Flu :)
The pop rocks and Emily :)
This is Jesse, and he's a mummy...his sign is an inside joke about something that happened in class....
This is Steph, Sarah and Becca, and they are belly-dancers :)
Me and Kyra Waring, and she is Hello Kitty!
This is Randi Deighton, and she is a rocker chick :)
This is Kyle Hawkey and he is Brother Brown! He nailed him, too! It was so so hilarious!
This is Molly Davis and she is a crow :)
This is Taylor Dame (who is Disease-y, a cat here at the center, whom we have lovingly named) and Megan Richards who is an Arab man... :)
This is Sister Whipple with David Healy, who is an old man. And he stayed in character the whole night long. It was great!
This is Adam. He is an exterminator / ghost buster ?
This is two pop rocks and Megan again :)
This is me and Michelle Neeley, who is gum under a shoe! Cute, eh?
These girls are Chocolate pillows! It's a kind of cereal they have in the oasis here at the center. It's really, really, really chocolatey!
Ping Pong Arabs ? Don't really know this one... Lizzie Cutler and Kyle Welch
These are the mummies! Kathleen and Jesse
Nathan was a raspberry!
Dana was dirty laundry :)
This is Jeremy, Sam, Aaron, Josh, Marissa, and Lindsay and they were Diversity Day from the Office!
This is Brother Brown and Kyle, and Gayle Brown :)
This is Lauren Hays, and Ally Beifus, and they are a butcher and a cow :)
This is Brother and Sister Allen, and they are love bugs!
This is Kyle, as Brother Brown, and Christina and Hilary, as the two Kyles. (He always wears those outfits. He is known as V-Neck Kyle, and that is Sunday Kyle.)
And Kyle and Brother Brown, which is kinda out of place, sorry! He, I think, had the best costume, which is why he is featured a couple times in this blog.
This is Jon Richards, as batman
Kelly as a ladybug!
and lastly, the Allens and the pop Rocks! These two are like my adopted grandparents here :)
I hope you enjoyed the show! Love you all!
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